get along super well. While I was
inNewHampshire, I met upwith
Annie ProctorO’Keeffe
, and
Edith Harris
, and we had a great re-
union at Annie’s house.”
Patricia L. Patterson
Still flush from the soggy good
times of our 30th, the Formof ’82
slowly but surely got back to
Justin Solomon
started a new job as director of
institutional advancement at the
Foreman School. He notes: “It’s
strange having both sons far
away –
Daniel ’08
is teaching at
The Culver Academy (with
Buxton ’88
) in Indiana and
Noah ’09
has been studying and
rowing in New Zealand.”
Trisha Patterson
has been in
touch with
Andy Wilson
, who
writes: “I have been a freelance
professional musician since
1986, and a librarian at Harvard
since 1999, with a musician wife
and 12-year-old son, living in
the metro-Boston area.”
is going through
the college application process
with his daughter, Amanda,
when he’s not working out four
hours a day!
hosted a
festive gathering of ’82 in honor
Gusty Thomas
’s Carnegie
Hall premiere, including
Nicole Gallagher
Louisa Benton
Rudy Scarito
Rebecca Johnson
Adam Snow
writes: “This
February, had a visit from form-
Jake Saunders
, and
Ben Scully
on the farm in Aiken, S.C.”
Alexander B. Gove
Alexis Denisof
proudly an-
nounces: “We are delighted to
welcome our daughter Keeva
Jane Denisof, born on May 23,
2012, 7 lbs., 12 oz.”
Fiona Sanders
sent this Sep-
tember update: “Both our boys
are seniors. Kyle at Furman
University and Blake in high
school. So lots of applications are
being completed in our family.”
Elisabeth Bentel Carpenter
Sebastian Carpenter
joint message: “Greetings from
the Bentel-Carpenters. Batchy
and Elisabeth and our three
peanuts (ages 14, 12, 9) are
looking forward to our 30th in
2013. We had the good fortune
of seeing a few SPS’ers at our
Harvard 25th reunion last May,
including the other double SPS
couple, the
... all
of whom looked fantastic, might
I add. I cannot forget to report
some seriously big SPS alumni
news – Bimba (our daughter)
and Jake (
Tod Brainard
’s son)
made it onto the same flag
football team (the Jaguars). ”
Maria Paumgarten-Parker
An April formnote from
CharlesA. Villee
: “My 15-year-
old daughter, Abigail, is in the
ninth grade and wants to major
in physics at MIT. Dolores Du-
lude and I live in South Grafton,
Mass., where I am still a sports-
writer for
The Grafton News
covering high school sports. I
also am a speaker for the Na-
tional Alliance onMental Illness
(NAMI), giving speeches around
the state about coping with and
recovering frombipolar illness.”
John H. Taws II
cated: “Life is wonderful in the
Sandhills and business success-
fully morphed into high-tech
textiles – young man Reed (son)
is headed to fifth grade and may
often be found flying right seat
inour airplane– it’snotOzzieand
Harriet, but what fun we have!”
Edith Pepper Goltra
“I’m living in Topsfield, Mass.,
home of the oldest agricultural
fair in the U.S., with my hus-
band, Tad, two kids, and two
very lovable bunnies. It’s great
being main agent and connect-
ing with everyone from our
awesome, creative form.”
A check-in from
: “Played Queen Elizabeth in
Richard III at the Public Theater
in New York this summer. Had
a great visit with
. Living in Millbrook, N.Y.,
with husband Walter and girls
Emma (15) and Greta (11).”
Mary Robins
: “I am a
landscape architect working for
DHMDesign-Durango and glad
my husband is home to care for
the children (ages 6 and 8). I
dance, bike and hike/picnic in
the high country. Open dinner
invitation to all Paulies visiting
this scenic refuge.”
John Gates
writes: “
and I run an artisan bread com-
pany that delivers fresh-baked
crusty loaves throughout the
Greater Boston area. Stu’s son,
, is a Third Former at SPS
and my son,
, is a Fifth
Former, so it turns out to be true
for us that ‘the wheel is turning
and you can’t slow down.’ My
triplets are now in eighth grade
and my two younger daughters
just started third and first
grades. We are blessed with
good health and happiness.
Come check out Nashoba Brook
. Oh
and buy some Zing bars from
Ding at
They are awesome.”
Posey Saunders Cochrane
shares: “Finally I have a ten-
year-old. I also still have a kin-
dergartner. Had breakfast with
RichardBaldwin ’85
(lives inSt.
Louis, not exactly the South but
close), who has started his own
financialmanagement business.”
Maja Paumgarten
“Ran around dodging rain most
of Anniversary Weekend and
Graduation at St. Paul’s this
past June. In the end,
John Jr.
graduated inside the Cage
instead of on the lawn by the
Chapel. John’s first visit to St.
Paul’s was at our 10th, when he
was three months old. John is
working in D.C. during his gap
year and off to UMich. in Sep-
tember 2013. I will miss those
Bimba, daughter of Elisabeth
Bentel Carpenter ’83 and
Batchy Carpenter ’83, and
Jake, son of Annie and Tod
Brainard ’83, are on the same
flag football team.
Marybeth Hart Janerich ’81 spent her 49th birthday cycling and
wine-tasting in Sonoma, with husband, Dwight.
I...,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46 48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,...70