Forgotten Ferguson
Love the “Test your Knowledge of SPS”
in the latest
Alumni Horae
, but there is
an error in Question 8 (“How many other
Rectors besides Mike Hirschfeld ’85 have
been alumni of the School?”) The answer
is not one (Bill Matthews ’61), but is in
fact TWO, because the School’s third
Rector was the Reverend Henry Ferguson,
Form of 1864, who served as Rector from
1906 to 1911.
Meg Ziegler Ferguson ’77
June 7, 2012
We love hearing from you in response
to stories we have published in
or in response to alumni matters.
As space permits, we will print your
letters. Please keep writing to: The Editor,
Alumni Horae
, 325 Pleasant St., Concord,
NH 03301 or to
Keep it up!
Re: the letter from John Lancaster ’45
in the Spring 2012 issue, in which he de-
cries “changes in the manner or style” of
recent issues, I wholeheartedly disagree.
Though in my own work as a professional
painter and graphic artist I’m all too
inclined to stick to a conservative, tradi-
tional path, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your
A Refreshing Pause
The picture on the back cover of the
Spring 2012
Alumni Horae
is full of nos-
talgia. It depicts a game we called “roof
’ems.” The tall boy in the right corner is
[current SPS trustee] Archibald Cox Jr. ’58.
He had the best arm and the smaller boys
would wait for the ball to come down off
the roof. Whoever caught the ball would
be “Guy of the Day.” The more you caught
it, the less time you had to spend in deten-
tion hall. The little guys would scramble
around to try to catch it. Faculty member
George Rockwell Smith ’31, the head of
the Lower School who monitored study
hall, would subtract demerits from the
points you earned by catching the ball.
This was an interlude for us on the
way from study hall to the locker room
under Smith’s home. It was an important,
refreshing pause in our daily routine,
which was otherwise totally regimented.
Dave Barry ’58
Gloucester, Mass.
June 6, 2012
magazine’s lively design – your stimulat-
ing use of color, images, cropping, layout
in general – while retaining old, familiar
fonts. Keep it up!
Herbert Parsons ’55
North Haven Island, Maine
June 9, 2012
A Change in History
In the Spring issue, the KimMacColl ’43
obituary on p. 51, first column, I’m not
sure I understand this sentence: “RFK’s
defeat of Eugene McCarthy in Oregon
on the day preceding his assassination
set the stage for his win in the California
primary.” I see two problems. First off,
McCarthy beat Kennedy in Oregon, not
vice versa. And secondly, the Oregon
primary was not held the day before
Kennedy’s assassination.
Ben Sperry ’74
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
June 11, 2012
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